자동제어 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 4E Franklin 솔루션
자동제어 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems_4E_Franklin 솔루션
Chapter 2
Dynamic Models
Problems and Solutions for Section 2.1
1. Write the di?erential equations for the mechanical systems shown in Fig. 2.38. Solution: The key is to draw the Free Body Diagram (FBD) in order to keep the signs right. For (a), to identify the direction of the spring forces on the object, let x2 = 0 and Þxed and increase x1 from 0. Then the k1 spring will be stretched producing its spring force to the left and the k2 spring will be compressed producing its spring force to the left also. You can use the same technique on the damper forces and the other mass.
(a) m1 x1 ¨ m2 x2 ¨ = ?k1 x1 ? b1 x1 ? k2 (x1 ? x2 ) u = ?k2 (x2 ? x1 ) ? k3 (x2 ? y) ? b2 x2 u 11
Figure 2.38: Mechanical systems
m1 x1 ¨ m2 x2 ¨
= ?k1 x1 ? k2 (x1 ? x2 ) ? b1 x1 u = ?k2 (x2 ? x1 ) ? k3 x2
m1 x1 ¨ m2 x2 ¨
= ?k1 x1 ? k2 (x1 ? x2 ) ? b1 (x1 ? x2 ) u u = F ? k2 (x2 ? x1 ) ? b1 (x2 ? x1 ) u u
2. Write the equations of motion o
(이미지를 클릭하시면 확대/미리보기를 볼 수 있습니다.)
자료출처 : http://www.allreport.co.kr/search/detail.asp?pk=11006516&sid=asdfeel&key=%C0%DA%B5%BF%C1%A6%BE%EE
문서분량 : 672 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems_4E_Franklin_Solutions[2].pdf
키워드 : 자동제어,Feedback,Control,of,Dynamic,Systems,4E,Franklin,솔루션,자동제어
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